Monday 21 April 2008


Stressed out beyond anything else.
The time I feel happy, everything goes to shit. My mother doesn't want me to have friends while I'm studying, for example (which could be for years).

She also wants to tell me how to live my life, and how to study, when to study, what methods to use to study, etc. As if I'm still in school. I'm deciding my life, not her. Who's she to interfere?
I'm the one picking up the books, and more importantly, I am the one who went through suicidal phases early on in life, I'm the one who is trying to get past the depression in hopes that my mental scars will fade from public view like my physical ones have.
My life fucked up, and I'm trying to change it all for the better. But I can't do this while I'm getting yelled at constantly whenever I try to relax with my friends (it started when I saw my friend, for the first time in months). Apparently I can't even see my friends once a month. Great.

At this point, I don't see how this is worth it.
Everyone else pisses and moans that they're the ones who're stressed, so instead of growing the fuck up, acting their age, and finding logical solutions to their problems, they would rather vent all of their angers towards me. Me. The quiet one who doesn't like to shout, who doesn't like negativity of any sort, resulting in me losing it and shouting back. Which I don't want to do. Ever (which is why I don't like when people suddenly decide to yell at me).

If someone has a problem, it's 'their' problem, not mine, and I should in no way suffer as a result.
I can't handle stress, yet no one but a select few of my real friends seem to give a shit about that.
If everyone knows I can't handle stress, and they've seen me going through drug phases and suicidal cuts as a result, why oh why do they taunt me so?
They constantly assume that I "might" be able to handle it 'now'. Fuck you.
They keep 'trying', purposely, to yell at me at any given opportunity. Calling me a failure, a bum, a low life, etc.
I get enough of that slander, I don't need to hear it from my own family.

I'm studying so I can get 'out' of this house and live my life, though I can't concentrate while I'm being stressed all the time.
And I can't stay here because, again, I'm being stressed all the time as a result.
I should just OD.

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